How sugar-free Ayurvedic Cookies Benefits for Digestion?
Ayurveda explains that proper digestion is crucial to staying healthy. When our digestive fire or “Agni” is working properly, all of the food we eat is either converted into nutrients for absorption into the body or flushed out as waste. If the digestive process is incomplete or inefficient, partially digested food matter is left behind in the digestive system. This substance turns into toxins, known as “ama” in Ayurveda. If allowed to stay in the body or build up over time it will disrupt the natural flow of energies within the body and disease will eventually manifest, there will be weight gain, as well as low energy levels. If not dealt with immediately, it will become a vicious circle of poor digestion, ama build-up and low immunity etc. Ama is a fertile ground for infections and disorders to germinate, take root and flourish.
Digestive problems can be tackled with healthy eating. One of the best options is the herbal or ayurvedic cookies for heath, which can be made with different spices and herbs. Luckily, ayurvedic cookies are easy to make and still maintain their nostalgic and comforting qualities. A healthy cookie could mean so many things to so many people; it just depends on what you are looking for. It could mean low fat, no fat, whole wheat, no wheat, sugar-free and on and on. One way to change a chocolate chip cookie into healthier fare is to make it with whole wheat flour.
Getting affected by improper digestion, especially in the summertime can be too cumbersome, and hence, we resort to healthy diet charts and good eating habits. Frequent snackers often go for fried or store-bought foods, however, they can only aggravate the matters related to digestion. To this problem, the herbal snacks seem like the safest and healthiest options. In case you aren’t aware of them, there are several types of herbal or ayurvedic cookies that you can consume to calm your frequent snacking habit. Minus the unhealthy salts, sugar and artificial flavouring that comes with store-bought foods, these ayurvedic cookies carry the goodness of Ayurveda with them. Some of the popular flavours like Ajwain cookies for digestion are great for pacifying Vata and Kapha Doshas.
These scrumptious cookies help stimulate appetite and enhance digestion. Rich in Ajwain, these cookies help alleviate gas and discomfort in the stomach, which is amazing considering the fact that you may get troubled with gas problems frequently in summers. Apart from soothing the digestion, these cookies for immunity energy also have several other benefits like balance gut bacteria, helps lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels, encourages weight loss, boosts fibre intake, provides relief from coughing, has anti-inflammatory properties, improves bone development and eye health, and helps in speedy recovery of wounds. With such a wide array of benefits that they bring in, who wouldn’t want to include Ajwain cookies in their daily eating habit?
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